Saturday, December 24, 2011

I Seem To Have Gone Blind

What is all of this?

Well it is my first collection, put together by my own two hands- painted, wallpapered, doodled and poesy-ized. There are only five of them in existence (at least for now!)

Where are they?

The five books are located in Stacked Bookshop, which is located inside the beautiful vintage shop, The Fine Art of Design, in Palm Springs! Here is a great write up about the store. Support used/vintage/small press book shops! Also these books can be shipped to you! Just let me know by leaving a comment with your email and I will send you more information!

If you have any questions about this collection, the bookshop or the vintage store please ask me!

Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

You Are Not Having Any Fun At All

Popular Memory

I walked under the autumned populars that my father
On a day in April when I was a child
Running beside a heap of suckers
From which he picked the straightest, most promising.

My father dreamt of forests, he is dead
And there are popular forests in the waste-places
And on the banks of drains.

When I look up
I see my father
Peering through the branched sky.

After May

May came, and every shabby phoenix flapped
A coloured rag in lieu of shining wings;
In school bad manners spat and went unslapped
Schoolmistress Fancy dreamt of other things.
The lilac blossomed for a day or two
Gaily, and then grew weary of her fame.
Plough-horses out on grass could now pursue
The pleasures of the very mute and tame.

A light that might be mystic or a fraud
Played on far hills beyond all common sight,
And some men said that it was Adam's God
As Adam saw before the Apple-bite,
Sweet May is gone, and now must poets croon
The praises of a rather stupid June.