Friday, June 4, 2010

Poetry In Conversation: To Slay and Be Slain.

The Vengeance Demon: After Lilith Dumped Her Therapist Over Voice-Mail.

When your eyes examine me
the way a coroner
examines a body empty of life,
the way a child mocks
a locked up animal
stripped of the wild,
you curse me.

How dare you worship me,
idolize me, twist my insides
till I am no longer someone
but a thing.

If you knew what I could do
to your heart, rip it out
and suck the remains apart
as you stand
admiring, admiring, admiring
you disgusting piece of shit
hands clasped, eyes a-lift
you make me a demon,
no longer a woman,
no longer a being,
never will my agenda be free
but full of vengeance.


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