Monday, January 10, 2011

Voices In Your Head

Voices in Your Head - Radiolab

Give the link above a listen, its fucking crazy.
It is a short segment about thoughts. To be honest, I love listening to This American Life and Radiolab. It's become the only form of storytelling, other than lectures at the university, that are unattached to flickering images on a screen. For me, twenty minutes listening to the voice of Ira Glass or Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich is a form of relaxation. Yes, sometimes I do not like the topics they talk about but I think the programs have been etched in my brain as the perfect background noise, something that music cannot trigger. My fascination with the public radio shows began when I first started painting. Jamie would put on an episode of This American Life, and we would just sit there and paint, my mood never changed, the way in which I painted did not change. I really mean that it is perfect background noise and not in a droning kind of way, it really gets those voices in your head talking.

and after if you need something to laugh at read this

*If anyone has a radio show they enjoy that can be found on the web, please share!!

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