Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Temptress, Kodak Tri-X Reversal Film

This post is just to re-live the glory of the Super 8, my baby. I had two rolls of Kodak Tri-X Reversal Film sent over to me in Dublin, and the first roll is kaputtz. Which basically means that the four films I want to make here are now down to two. Well what can you do when the world is obsessed with digital, and well I can't seem give in to the starving artist mentality (I really love brunching, I really do). Anyways, I have had a nice increase of viewership, which is incredible, and I am in the midst of revamping the blog into something that will be easier to read and locate older posts. So with that silly introduction, here are two films that I have been over-promoting.


Unknown said...

Stuff like this deserves more super 8 film - it's coming!

Jesus, Mary and Isabel said...

bl you are the coolest cat I know!