Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Who Untangles Bare Wires?

Explode Into Space Like A True Nature's Child
Lessons From Within The Laundromat

He enters,
charges directly
at a bunch of white roses
left on a table
clutches them to his chest
rotting nails against wilting petals
ascends to his nose
he takes a sniff

straight on
at his audience, seemingly non-attentive
two lost or rather old souls
contained for the time being in the room

he speaks

Man, these don't even have a scent!
To the roof, is where these deserve to be left

he exits and then enters a few minutes later

points to the machine
waltzes like a dinosaur
melting steps, clawed fingers, broken wrists

Man, haven't, haven't you guys
ever noticed Earth
is just a washing machine?

He then unzips
throws his blue jeans in

Wait, now look at it!

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